MALAPY 2022 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education


We are glad to introduce our first proceedings at International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics and Education 2022 (MALAPY) with issues of Digitalization, management, law, and education for sustainable development the World Post-Covid – 19 pandemic is the present situation that drags down the social welfare in multi-sectoral.

ISBN: 978-1-63190-362-5

Publish at EAI and Organized by Universitas Pancasakti Tegal



We are glad to introduce our first proceedings at International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics and Education 2022 (MALAPY) with issues of Digitalization, management, law, and education for sustainable development the World Post-Covid – 19 pandemic is the present situation that drags down the social welfare in multi-sectoral. Especially in Digitalizing of the Economic, Law, and Education sectoral. These conferences will recover and find the solution with social science contributions. Kami dengan senang hati memperkenalkan prosiding pertama kami tentang isu Digitalisasi, manajemen, hukum, dan pendidikan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan di Dunia. Post-Covid – 19 pandemic is the present situation that drags down the social welfare in multi-sectoral. Especially in Digitalizing of the Economic, Law, and Education sectoral. These conferences will recover and find the solution with social science contributions. This activity resulted in dozens of articles that focused on digitalization and economic issues as well as legal and educational issues, which we're developing during the pandemic. We hope that this article, can contribute thoughts in their respective fields, and can be used as a reference for strategic policymaking. The success of this event is also inseparable from the outstanding contributions of the speakers. We say we are grateful to the speakers; Mesfin Menza Mamo (Ph.D.), Dean, College of Business and Economics of Arba Minch University, Ethiopia; Prof. Dr. Sitti Hartinah, D. S, Director of Postgraduate Program, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal, Indonesia; Mr. Youssef Baqil Researcher in Public Law and Political Science, Morocco; Prof Elchin Ghasimov, Vice-Rector of Moscow City University, Russia;  Prof.Dr.Pujiono SH. MH Professor at Law Faculty, Sebelas Maret State University, Indonesia. The extraordinary scientific contribution of the speakers was able to make the forum very useful for participants with backgrounds as researchers, developers, and practitioners to further develop scientific aspects. We also hope that the future MALAPY conference will be more successful and have a greater contribution to the development of science.


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